dietIf you’re like most people right about now, you are feeling nice and puffy from the holidays.   You are also probably agitated that your pants feel so tight, or maybe you even gave up on the pants and switched to yoga pants or leggings.  Yep, you’re not alone!   As my trainer Balbi so politely says, “Just because it zips, doesn’t mean it fits.”

Fastest way to relief: 1 Week Fruit and Veggie Detox.  That’s my answer.  I’ve been around the nutrition industry for 8 years now.  I’ve tried close to every diet and nutrition program out there, including cleanses with supplements, fasting, juicing, weaning into things, weaning out of things; nothing worked.   I have found our simple one week of just eating fruits and veggies proves time and time again to be the most weight loss in the quickest amount of time.   This is very general but commonly I will see women lose anywhere from 5-7 lbs. and men 1-15lbs!!  More importantly you can lose INCHES. In some cases I’ve seen 3-5 inches in the waist during this week.  AND you won’t put it back on the next week as long as you stay away from the inflammatory foods and stick to a Paleo-ish type of diet.

This detox does absolutely the best job of bringing down inflammation, that’s why most experience such a dramatic loss in inches.  And when you look at the biochemistry of why (which we have at TruFit), it really makes sense.  We are simply giving the body the two things it needs to do the work of cleaning and protecting the cell: Phytonutrients and Antioxidants.  And you are letting the body do that ONE JOB, and only that one job all week.  Furthermore, because of complicated cell die off and replication that happens every day, you will essentially clean the cell, replicate new healthy ones and in a 7 days period you will have completed the cell cycle of your 7 billion plus cells in your body!  Think of the oil in your car’s engine.  The longer you go without changing it, the dirtier it gets and the harder it is on your engine, making it susceptible to breaking down.  Your body is exactly the same way.

Why do a Detox you might ask:

Well do you breath, drink, and eat?

  • Air- Polluted
  • Water- Toxic, Chemicals
  • Food- Herbicides, Pesticides, GMOs
  • Drugs and Alcohol- say no more! They are toxic. This includes all medications; drugs that are legal are also toxic to the body.

At TruFIT20 we recommend that our clients detox 4 times a year or with the changing of the seasons.  With the amount of toxins we are around daily (see above) our body deserves a reset.  And they get easier as you go; trust me.  But you will feel so good you’ll actually look forward to doing detoxes.

Your mantra for the week “I’ve spent x amount of time putting crap in, I can take 7 days to take it back out.”

Not only is this detox great for vanity reasons, but the health benefits are what should be most important as inflammation is the leading cause of ALL disease, particularly CANCER.  Unfortunately, the majority of the foods we eat in this day and age of processed and chemically treating foods do cause mass inflammation in the body.  If you want to read more on this I recommend any of Westin A. Price’s, Robb Wolf’s or Mark Sission’s books.  As well as Tim Farriss’ 4 Hour Body, Grain Brain by David Perlmutter and Wheat Belly by William Davis.

There are very specific rules with this detox, as far as what types of veggies, amounts of fruit, rules on oils, cooking, etc.  So please speak to someone at our facility before getting started.

Happy 2015!  I wish you all looser pants in the coming days!
